Useful websites

Useful 11 Plus websitesThe following useful websites can be used in conjunction with your child’s tuition or work to support them in their 11 Plus Journey.  If they’re unsure about how to work out algebra or need some additional  practice with punctuation, then these websites will help. Have a look and see what you can find!

TES – Includes some free 11+ Resources. Make sure to select GL resources as the website also offers resources for the CEM test. 

BBC Bitesize for KS2 – Includes a variety of tests and quizzes for children in KS2.

CGP – CGP offer free 10-minute 11 Plus tests and the option of downloading free resources and practice papers.

Bond 11+ – Bond Publishers has the option of downloading free resources and practice papers if you sign up to their page. 

IXL  – Maths and English Resources