Standard Assessment Tests (SATs)
Year 6 Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) can be a daunting time for both parents and children. We can help your child practise the topics and skills needed to tackle the SATs, building their confidence in each element of the tests and the question types they’ll face.
Overview of Key Stage 2 Standard Assessment Tests
These assessments take place in May of Year 6 (age 10/11) in English (grammar, punctuation, spelling and reading) and Maths. They help schools understand how best to support your child, ensure progress and maintain certain levels.
What do Standard Assessment Tests measure?
- The progress your child has made so far
- Indicates the level your child is currently working at
- Assesses your child’s understanding of multiple skills and concepts
English grammar, punctuation and spelling
The test requires children to identify and write sentences that have correct grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and spelling. They assess on the children’s technical understanding of the English language as well as their writing ability. It comprises of 3 papers:
- English SPAG Paper 1: grammar & punctuation
- English SPAG Paper 2: spelling
- English reading
Paper 1 – A series of SPAG questions requiring short answers. Children will have 45 minutes to answer questions, which are worth a total of 50 marks.
Paper 2 – This is a spelling paper, children are given a section of text with 20 missing words. A test transcript is read by the test administrator and children have to spell the missing words in their answer booklet. The paper takes approximately 20 minutes but is not strictly timed. The spellings are worth 20 marks in total.
Reading – This contains comprehension-based questions on three different genres of text. The test will have a reading booklet and a separate answer booklet. Children will have 60 minutes to read all three texts and complete the questions, which are worth a total of 50 marks.
- Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic
- Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning
- Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning
Paper 1 – Largely arithmetic based, assessing the children’s grasp of mathematical calculations. The questions cover addition, subtraction, long division, long multiplication and more complex calculations including fractions. Children will have 30 minutes to answer the questions, which are worth 40 marks in total.
Paper 2 and 3 – Assess reasoning and problem solving. Both papers contain varied question types including multiple choice, true or false, constrained questions (giving the answer to a calculation, drawing a shape or completing a table/chart) and problem solving. Children will have 40 minutes per paper to answer the questions, which are worth 35 marks.
Are there any example questions I can look at?
Yes. The Department for Education has produced some free sample papers for the Key Stage 2 SATs tests that you can download.
To find out more about how we can support your child through their SATs, or to set up a trial session we’re here to help.