11 Plus Familiarisation Material

11 Plus Online TuitionOur local grammar schools within the Bournemouth & Poole conurbation recommend children familiarise themselves with the multiple-choice layout of the test, content and examples of the types of questions they will face prior to sitting the entrance exam.   

This is so that all children have the opportunity to practice sample questions across the range of question types in advance of the test.  

The exact timings for, and number of questions in 11 Plus test may differ from those in the GL Assessment familiarisation and practice materials.

A selection of 11 Plus GL Assessment test papers are listed below for you to download and work through. These will give your child an idea of the types and format of questions to expect.  The questions on the day of the exam will be multiple choice. Children will be given a choice of four or five possible answers for each question. They must choose the one answer that they think is correct.